Pictures where I currently live in the Philippines

This is not my place, they were nice enough to let me stay here, they thought I would get my pension and now they think I won't so they want me out, I have lived here for about three or four months after I could no longer afford rent in another squatter are in Quezon city. They told me to don't touch nothing and it's not my house and don't try to make repairs, it's their place not mine. So I don't touch.

Picture of me getting a cell phone at SM mall so I could take pictures for the blog and communicate with the embassy.

Inside the place I'm living at.

A wild cat sits behind the refrigerator waiting for rats in the three foot drop off pit, the wall is about a foot higher then the floor which was never finished so it's open to rats or what ever want's to come inside the shack. The cat at first ran from me, now it lets me pet it sometimes, no longer afraid of me, where friends now. Without the cats rats would be everywhere.

A better picture of the three foot drop off where the cat was standing before.

The hallway outside shows the construction of the wall, a blanket and some sheet metal tied together with string, you can look inside the shack from outside.

Community bathroom shared by three different families, next to the above picture of the outside hallway.

The wall stops more than three feet from the roof, outside is all open to the elements and it's easy for someone to jump over the wall and enter the shack. Insects and other things fly in to include cockroaches and mosquitoes.

Picture taken from inside the shack, everything is open to the outside.

Another picture taken inside the shack, some kind of religious symbol in the picture, I don't know what it is.

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